On Grace Notes, their third recording, Buttons & Bows present us with a splash of colourful, sensuous music in their own distinctive style. 1 Waltz of happiness 2 The Exile's return, Dick Sand's Hornpipe 3 Eleanor Plunkett 4 Flaherty's Hornpipe, The Dancing Master 5 The Bluemont Waltz 6 Bidí gan Bhéasa, Lá ag na Rásaí / Biddy the bold wife, Day at the races 7 Seit Teaimín Uí Dheá /The Tomin O'Dea Set 8 Slán le hAshokan / Ashoken Farewell 9 Reel de Rimouski 10 The Boys of Malin, McDermott's Reel, Geoghan's Fancy 11 Béibhinn's Waltz 12 The Chaffpool Post, The Belle of the Ball 13 the Danish Quadrille 14 The Green Woods of Triugha